I’ll Follow You: On the Intersection of Science and Spirituality with Allison Clark

Today I’m incredibly psyched to share with you my conversation with science writer and medical intuitive Allison Clark.

(You can stream our chat via the embed here or pretty much anywhere else you source your podcasts, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, and Google Podcasts.)

Allison is a heart-centered, holistically-minded healer who takes into consideration all aspects of a person—not just their body and not just their soul. Her approach is an alchemy of years of training, scientific research, and personal mind, body, and spirit work. She’s studied clairvoyant and energy healing techniques for well over a decade and has learned from experts including Cyndi Dale, Kelly Meehan, Bruce Lipton, and Robert Moss. She also graduated with honors from the Open University of Catalonia with a master’s degree in nutrition with a focus on clinical nutrition and nutrigenomics and is also triple-certified as a functional nutritionist, a culinary nutrition expert, and a holistic health coach. Her current mission as a healer is to help women learn to trust their intuition and embrace their unique spirit so that they can live a fulfilled life.

In our wide-ranging conversation today, Allison gives us the lowdown on her recently published research paper that’s all about the importance of a healthy mucin layer, how to keep our gut-brain axis healthy and happy especially after hardcore workouts, her approach to working at the cutting-edge (but also extremely ancient) intersection of science and spirituality, why she hates the term and practice of biohacking, getting in touch with our five senses in moments where we might find ourselves in shutdown or overwhelm (particularly after long binges on social media), deprogramming from the unsustainable timetables and workloads of the corporate world, and the ways that, culturally, we’re overcomplicating our approach to health.


Find Allison Clark online:

Allison’s recent scholarly article, coauthored with Núria Mach: “The Gut Mucin-Microbiota Interactions: A Missing Key to Optimizing Endurance Performance” (in Frontiers in Physiology vol. 14 [November 22, 2023], https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2023.1284423).

Allison’s appearance Kelly Meehan’s podcast, Spirit Baby Radio.